Still no topics or OS improvements

No More Heroes august launch, roughly a year late by Animal Crossing Bells this point. Also doesn’t look great in trailers appears to have picked up some gameplay elements by the awful Travis strikes again.

If Square Enix are going to remake or vent everything begin with Final Fantasy 1-6 or Chrono Trigger/Cross.No vents of rumoured franchises like tomb raider, House of the deceased, GTA, Arkham.

Still no topics or OS improvements. No developments to online offering.

I can try out the Octopath tactics demo and may pick up Skyward sword although not at more than half of its launch cost.

All they had to do was reveal N64 games Switch Online, and I would have forgiven them for a lot. I get that Covid has thrown a spanner in Buy Nook Miles Ticket the works, but using their back-catalogue could happen to be the perfectly logical reaction to that.

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