These are verbatim the same reasons I stopped playing the sport

These are verbatim the same reasons I stopped playing the sport. I believed thatĀ Animal Crossing Items I was the only damn one.

Oh yeah, it is the best selling game in HISTORY in Japan. Why even bother trying to improve upon what made the show good?

No, you are right. Animal Crossing New Horizons became the most best-selling sport of all time in Japan, surpassing Pokemon red/blue along with the rest of the games from other consoles.

Seriously, why did they do away with the prefer system together with the villagers? Now you literally have no reason to speak to them.

They deff didnt get rid of it, my villagers ask me for favors all the time. I believe you need to be at a specific friendship level to get favors.

You need to push past 3-4 of the exact same boring lines until they begin offering you exceptional conversation or activities. I played for months before realising.theyve literally run around me multiple times and request me to do a chore or needed a thought bubble. Not certain why youre saying you need to”push beyond” 3-4 lines of dialog to get that, perhaps you need a higher friendship level.

Honestly over time the game went from like a 10/10 match to a 7/10 match to me, strictly due to how dreadful the pacing and UX was. At some stage I wished to earn lots of adjustments with my city but it was just so insanely dull to anything in the game and it finally caught upĀ buy Animal Crossing Bells with me. I was tired of spending like 3 hours every evening doing essentially’nothing’ in the game simply because of the length of time it takes to do things.

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