Because players with warband loot are able

Potions are a great way to boost these RS gold abilities. Ancient Warriors pvp armour now requires 40 defence. Void is 42 while Fremmenik 50. In what way is this worthwhile? EoC PKing exists outside of warbands.

Because players with warband loot are able to attack any player, combat level in the current warband mechanics is nearly insignificant. Defence is fairly useless for Legacy PKing due to the absence of defence abilities. Jagex has plans to “revitalise the wilderness”, but no details are available. What do you think about resetting your defense?

Where does all this money coming from anyway? It’s not my job to be an economist, however, I believe that a game such as RuneScape is always inevitably subject to the effects of inflation. The Grand Exchange allows money to be spent by a player to go to another player. Money that is earned is usually derived from players, monsters, quests and so forth.

The only way to fix this is to make players give back to the game eradicating the possibility of coins that circulate. I’m not very knowledgeable about this Araxxor thing, but I believe a step in the right direction is giving incentives for players to use their money in such a manner that it doesn’t go to another player.

As an inactive player It is impossible to offer reasonable ways to do this. There are still ways to dispose of the money that has been floating around since years, like the sawmill, shops and others. They were able to control inflation from 2001 to 2009.

But it’s not enough. Perhaps shop prices and selections could be altered to increase spending. Perhaps the quantity of gold lost by monsters must be reduced, as low as it might be. Also, maybe I am wrong however the rate of inflation that is exponential by nature, seems to be driving things to increase, while the rate of acquiring GP isn’t.

What are your guys’ most proudest accomplishment(s)? The goal should be one that that you feel proud of after you’ve completed it. This could be anything from a level or comp cape, taking down bosses, or even a community thing. My personal favorite would be 99 defense. Because of the importance defense in tanking, it was on my wish list for a long time. Since 2006, I have not had any members and I was forced other than to play the game in freeplay. It was clearly OSRS buy gold murder. I also had it during my inactive period from 2007-2013.

Asked on October 28, 2021 in Business.
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