Ensure that inventory space is freed up in New Horizons

The ability to travel to remote Mystery islands is one of the most appealing features of Animal Crossing: New Horizons.  These Mystery Tours are a subtle, but enjoyable, addition to the game that gives players something extra to do while also mixing up the gameplay experience.  It also allows them to expand their means of resource gathering and even attract new villagers who live on these desolate islands, which is a boon for them.  There are numerous advantages to participating, and it is a fun endeavor.  Despite this, given the randomness of the process and the costs associated with it, it is critical to approach it with a strategy, as it were, before diving in headfirst.

Ensure that inventory space is freed up in New Horizons.  Inventory management is a continuous process at the company.
Nonetheless, this is especially true when embarking on a Mystery Tour, as these are one-and-done excursions that prevent access to home storage and item pawning.  With all of the unique and often valuable goods to be found at these locations, even those who have exhausted their inventory space will likely find themselves with a rapidly filling inventory.  Fruit, wood, rocks, and even hybrid flowers will almost certainly be abundant.  It’s important to sell or store anything that won’t be necessary to bring on the trip before you leave.  Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to keep at least half of your inventory space free for recently acquired items.

Continue to Communicate with Others.
As you go about your virtual life on your own island, you’ll want to meet and talk to the newcomers.  It turns out that there is a lot more to do than you might think once you get past the initial greetings.  Assisted a sailor who was stranded on the beach.  Persuade islanders who live far away to relocate to your area by offering them a job.  Simply conversing with (and purchasing from) merchants who pass through town can lead to the opening of new businesses.  Never be afraid to ask questions.

Until then, don’t start building your own crafting table!
A crafting table is one of the first DIY recipes you unlock, allowing you to create items in the comfort of your own home or anywhere else on the island other than the Resident Services tent.  It is not necessary to construct a structure immediately.  As a result, you will not require Tom Nook’s crafting table, which can be found in the Resident Services tent at all times.  What’s more, it requires iron nuggets to be crafted, which are extremely valuable early on in the game.  In addition to allowing you to upgrade your tools to more durable versions, iron nuggets allow you to expand the Resident Services tent into a full-fledged structure.  Make sure you don’t waste any iron nuggets on a crafting table or other tools because you’ll need them to upgrade the tent! To be sure, you have access to Tom Nook’s crafting table and can purchase inexpensive, flimsy tools that require little effort on your part in order to obtain Animal Crossing Bells (the game’s currency).  In addition to unlocking the ladder, upgrading the Resident Services tent allows you to climb cliffs and explore more of the island.

Supplies For Construction Should Be Brought
When it comes to building materials, they can be a critical component of successful island plundering operations. . . . Wood, stone, and Iron Nuggets are all basic building blocks that can be used in crafting or as a replacement for various tools that are frequently required to gather important items.  It is even possible to use something as simple as weeds to your advantage, as they can assist you in preparing for an unexpected hornet onslaught by way of medicine-making.  It makes sense to take advantage of the Simple DIY Workbench that will be provided on each Mystery Island.

Get a fishing pole (with instructions)
With out a fishing pole, it’s impossible to catch any fish.  Fortunately, there are a variety of options for obtaining one of these useful instruments.  If you have the recipe, you can make a fishing pole out of sticks on your own DIY workbench.  An alternative is to purchase a fishing pole with in-game ACNH Bells.  You can now go out and look for some fish now that you have a fishing pole.

Asked on August 31, 2021 in Influence.
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