Explained: Rocket League’s Rank Disparity

Psyonix introduced a rank disparity change to 3v3 competitive and tournament play in the middle of Season 4’s influx of new content. This page contains all of the information that players need to know about the new rank restrictions and how the rules may affect them:

The New Rocket League Rank Disparity
For some, the days of playing as a two-stack in competitive 3v3 standard or tournament play are over. Rocket League’s newest season brought with it changes to undersized parties for 3v3 competitive play and 3v3 tournaments. Stacks of two players wishing to participate in these game modes must now adhere to certain rank disparity requirements in order to be admitted to the queue. To be able to play together, the pair must be within three ranks of each other, buy rocket league items from goldkk.com.

Because they are four ranks apart, Gold 3 and Silver 2 players will no longer be able to queue as a duo in 3v3 competitive games and tournaments starting in Season 4. Platinum 2 and Diamond 1 players, on the other hand, will still be able to stick together because the two players are only two ranks apart.

Psyonix explains the reason for this restriction in their Patch Notes V2.01 post on the Rocket League official website, stating that it is intended to help maintain a balanced competitive environment, cheap rocket league items can get online.

Please remember that this change only applies to 3v3 standard competitive play and 3v3 tournament play, and that no other formats will be affected. The Casual and Extra Mode playlists will not be impacted by this modification.

Interested in Learning More About Rocket League Season 4?
More Rocket League Season 4 content can be found in our article on everything you need to know about the most recent season.

Asked on August 16, 2021 in Influence.
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