How Do I Get More Stubs in MLB The Show 24 Diamond Dynasty?

How Do I Get More Stubs in MLB The Show 24 Diamond Dynasty?

The exchange method is a proven way to generate stubs in MLB The Show 24’s Diamond Dynasty mode. By strategically acquiring and exchanging 76-overall MLB players, players can create profitable gold player packs and potentially earn a significant return on their investment. The key steps to this method are:

  1. Purchase 76-overall MLB players for under 105 stubs each, either through the in-game marketplace or the companion app. Aim to acquire around 300 of these players.
  2. Exchange 8 of the 76-overall players to create a single gold player pack.
  3. Open the gold player packs and look for high-value cards that can be sold for more than the 800 stubs spent on the exchange.

While individual pack results may vary, consistently completing this exchange process with a large number of packs (e.g. 50-70) can lead to substantial stub profits, as long as a few high-value cards are pulled. Cards like Corbin Burns, Will Smith, and Zack Greinke can significantly exceed the 800 stub investment, resulting in net gains. The exchange method requires a significant time investment, but it is a reliable way to build up stubs in MLB The Show 24’s Diamond Dynasty mode. By following this strategy, players can maximize their stub earnings and invest in improving their team.

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