I have heard great things about RuneScape

Ok, so basically, I wish to receive 3 99’s, they’re Agility, Strength and OSRS gold Fishing. My Questions: 1.) 2.) Do you think I should get Strength via Slayer or Camping. I may change this skill and delay it to find fishing with Blake. It’ll be a melee skill though. I have complete guthans, torags, karils, whip, rune guardian, dragon boots and that I still have 10m left over. My Power level is 84. 3.) Should I get fishing quickly or if I take my time and earn as much cash as I can from it. My fishing is 89, 90 with this weekend.

I will appreciate multiple opinions. For Agility, you really shouldn’t begin the Ape Atoll Course until later level 70. For the time being, it’s the Wilderness class until 60, and I’ve read that you need to perform the Werewolf Course before 70 or even 75. 75 is best for Ape Atoll, but 70 isn’t that bad. For training combat skills, I honestly prefer camping at the same spot. I locate Slayer to become slow, and the cash profit is not as spectacular as everybody says it is. As for fishing, I would say choose a moneymaking path. You’ll make about 30-35m if you do Lobsters. That’s correct, lobsters are more cash than monkfish (last I checked), because you must fish considerably more Lobsters. Your fishing level and rate of carrying in lobsters must compensate for having to fish monkfish.

I’ve been free-player for about half a year now, and a couple of days ao I just got my runescape membership back. A lot of radical changes have occurred, so I thought about it and chose to go back to members. Only a few questions: a decent armor and weapon for me. It’d be better if they had been buyable on the ge. What is a decent way to generate money these days. –No managing of Miscellenia please. All your replies are greatly appreciated, Thank you.

I have heard great things about getting 85 mining. I am 61 mining, how should I go about getting 85? I don’t possess the water that is rotten tiara, I’m using a rune selection, and I’m a member. I was believing mining coal and mithril, smelting it (Superheat) and selling the bars, to find some smithing and magic experience. Then selling the bars.

Is that a good idea, or not? Oh, and I’m 55 smithing, and mining (And superheating) to get 70 mining will not get me to 70 smithing. Any hints on getting that up? I’ve got around. . I powermined iron for 60-65, did other skills for ages, did iron to get to 70. Idk about 70-72, but for 72-80 that buy RuneScape gold I powermined granite using SC Pickaxes.

Asked on December 9, 2020 in Business.
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