I have put countless hours to Animal Crossing first and city folk.

Can I Believe I’ll go Animal Crossing Bells back into New Leaf? No, not actually. The Switch is easier to perform with its faster load times and larger screen. There are nonetheless some quite welcome QoL improvements.

You can’t blame people for wanting a match to possess…. Gameplay.

Most the time once I enter a new franchise I wish to go back and experience past names. It feels more like a technology demo than a real game.

The game does not give a damn about your time. Inconvenience is not a great way to entertain folks.

Adding some thing to do isn’t gont kill the segment of the game that is already there which people enjoy. Saying that NH is the largest measure the franchise has taken since the first game is most likely the worst thing that you can say about the series.

Each of the previous games had much less to do in a day than NH. The comments talking about devolution are simply way off base. Obviously if you don’t like collecting stuff and working on your city a bit every day than you won’t enjoy AC. But it’s great at doing exactly what it sets out to do. There is a reason my buddies list is full of those who have 300+ hours in the game.

I have put countless hours to Animal Crossing first and city folk.

This game is not a good collecting game.

This game it seems like Nintendo just made a decision to abandon that portion of their fanbase.

The game that is left over might be better for you, but for people who enjoyed that other facet of AC it is bad.

I have no idea how it’s a worse collecting game than those two. You will find far more things to accumulate and way more you can do with all the things you collect.

Games evolve, normally. People like it, it keeps the IP interesting. AC hasn’t done that, at all. It had been great about the Gamecube, it’s not great anymore.

I’m probably gonna play with pocket camp because it seems like there is so much more things to do there with constant updates

I wish they would hurry up with more of the post launch content for New Horizons then. Where the hell are my gyroids? It’s still missing a fair bit of content that has been from the prior game on 3DS.

Even then, it had been preestablished that both her parents also played on the switch, and with Animal Crossing specifically she needed parental consent to alter certain things. I feel like that’s a fairly normal sounding restriction to get a nine year old.She required parental consent to do anything other than decorate her house and”yard”. There’s so much more to that game that makes it fun and getting punished since you chopped down some digital trees is silly. Make her fix them, fine, but this is a game so allow the child play with the buy animal crossing items.

Asked on November 12, 2020 in Jarios.
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