I suggest if people can create key loggers

The screen shots will RS gold be taken every so often on gamers that are believed to be macroing. The screen shots will probably bring about lag into the match so if anyone has any better ideas here please post on that. But the entire notion of a screen shot is to identify if the player is speaking in any way. Many Macroers have a script that will enable players to talk to you personally and you’ll have a set question or queries that the program will respond to. The screen shot will only help check the chat on such player.

Or if Jagex has a method of recording the chat around the entire world at any particular time. I highly doubt they do, even when they did, would you envision or just fathom the idea of just how much distance that would take up. After time has passed this idea can then be computer optimized and ran automatically. I know just like you said that there will be individuals who aren’t macroing that Old school runescape gold will get banned, but you always have the option to appeal that prohibit.

Asked on February 28, 2021 in Business.
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