I’m having trouble deciding what 99 to choose next.

I’m having trouble RuneScape gold deciding what 99 to choose next. My WC has been shut for many years but likely will not bother. I hate gaining combat levels, I’ve been 84 fight for more than a year. I’ve come up with 3 ideas which will give me some battle levels in exchange for some epic stats. I simply don’t know which to go for. I am not likely to perform more than 1 option, because that would make my combat overly high.

Choice 1: Closing Combat Level: 91. Details: Should I choose 99 RC, sick train my Ability into 85+ first and then get 57 summoning. Pros: RC is the best imo, I’ll be making a lot of cash. Cons: I require a lot of slow levels before I begin. Time pricey overall. An Insane plan tbh, likely not possible. Choice 2: Final Combat Level: 90. Details: Experts: I have already got an epic poem at my house, I’ve the lender, no other levels needed and its super quick. Disadvantages: I’m now completely useless in combat.

Option 3: Final Combat Level: 91. Goal 99(s): Hitpoints and Ranged. Details: I’ll chin 99 range, then finish off HP with a few soulwars. Experts: No other levels needed, I should continue to be capable in combat, can afford it. Cons: I’ve never played soulwars? I will be forever labeled a SW merchandise.

To start with, what’s your runescape name? Neither of the ones that you’ve given work on the highscores, and it would be quite nice to see your stats prior to giving suggestions. However, have you ever considered setting more balanced goals, like acheivement diaries? I’m currently considerign gunning for the enhanced excalibur. With almost none of the”challenging” levels demanded, I’ve calculated it might take approximately 5M if I’m blessed to OSRS Gold For Sale level these skills.

Asked on December 23, 2020 in Commentary.
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