It is just as absurd the opposite way.

She’s literally 16 years old and has gone through horrendous reduction with both her mum andĀ New Horizons Items her sister dying lately (seperate episodes ), and she has to take care of randoms attacking her bc of a tan. She’s had a tough fucking go of it, idk how folks bring themselves to maintain putting her down on something so insignificant.

It is just as absurd the opposite way.

However, because I got my dad’s white genes (I totally can’t tan. I just freckle), apparently so I am no longer Hispanic and am not permitted to speak about Latino problems.

Meanwhile; you can be a 7th gen immigrant from Latin America, not speak a lick of Spanish, and know nothing about your family’s country of origin- but because you’re tan, you are more Hispanic than me.Identity politics according to your shade of skin colour is the most foolish thing I’ve ever experienced.

I would really like to see what these individuals would do if they met this AirForce man I know. Hed violate their brains.Ya know, the whole point of a match. Be someone who is not. Or can it be racist that a number of teams have black quarterbacks?

I wanted the Asian bratz doll since I thought she was the funniest. But you know, if you are a blonde blue eyed little woman then everyone will present you the blonde blue eyed doll… it was kinda dull when all the dolls you own are clones of each other, I wanted variety

Cultural apropriation could be a issue, but people often talk about it the wrong way. For example, if a new culture adopts state a hairstyle and it turns into a popular trend, but the civilization that invented it is viewed as backwards for using it, that’s debatable cultural apropriation.

I wanted the Brandy doll as a kid, and my favourite Barbie was the dark skinned one with the purple and white princess dress because she was pretty. When I would play Barbie computer games, Teresa was my favourite character.

I am white and when I was small I wanted a Black Barbie over anything. This was the 80s in Canada. My mother went to a lot of different stores trying to locate a single and eventually had to special order it. The reason for for my want? My very best buddy was Dark and it made no sense to me that if theĀ buy Animal Crossing Items folks around me were not all white that my dolls should all be white. In addition, I remember thinking how beautiful the Dark Barbie was.

Asked on January 28, 2021 in Business.
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