It’s not that big a number for classical+.

People who claim that classic+ will cost too much money are not right. One user here claimed it could cost hundreds of millions. Do you smoke? They already have a very solid platform for classic. There is already a lot of WOW TBC Gold content by just being pure WoW. In addition, adding a new zone class changes, world boss, etc will not cost thousands of dollars. The original Blizzard game was a huge commercial success. Take a look at the massive server problems at launch and the Twitch statistics. Seasons of mastery won’t attract an increase in players to WoW. However, I believe classic+ could. Today, RuneScape’s old school is still being used by new players. That’s also an old game however, since they’ve updated it, people aren’t feeling like they’re being a waste of time.

It’s not that big a number for classical+. A simple tier set for off meta specs is enough. Adding new items off bosses isn’t a lot of work. The prospect of a new raid is more expensive, however one that I would like to be a part of. While I’ll always question the possibility of a new scenario, I am optimistic about the future.

It is important to remember that not all changes are yet known and there are likely to be only small changes in the first season. They are pushing the limits each season, I’m sure. Perhaps this season isn’t enough for you. This is the case for me although I’m still looking for further changes that will ensure that the raiding scene has a less defined meta or to make the PvP system more efficient.

Word, it’s sad that activision is missing a goldmine. But, I think they didn’t take advantage of it because a. J Allen Brack doesn’t care much about traditional or classic. their executives are to be embarrassed that retail is worse that vanilla. They push their thin system to keep their jobs c. Bobby requires yachts as they do not have enough support of gms to keep track of a changing world.

A lot of people want a traditional plus. The majority of people believe activision has the staff or the capability to run a classical plus. Activision will probably not invest 100s of millions of dollars on an iconic plus. This basically means that all of vanilla’s products were waste. Management isn’t taking buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold the L and admitting that they don’t know how to make a decent game. They could employ Kevin Jordan in the event that they were clever.

Asked on October 13, 2021 in Business.
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