What kind of activated carbon is suitable for air purification

Two types of activated carbon are primarily used in air purification: coconut shell and coal-based.


Coconut-shell activated carbon is low-grade, inexpensive, and widely available. It is also very soft and tends to generate dust during transport and sometimes even during usage.  granular activated carbon price When compared with coal-based activated carbon, coconut shell carbon has fewer micropores, which are needed to remove odors and chemicals in concentrations more typical of the home environment. Some people report allergies or respiratory symptoms when they’re exposed to coconut shell carbon dust.


Coal-based activated carbon has an incredibly large internal surface area. It’s a much more effective adsorbent than coconut shell carbon. Of the four major coal types (sub-bituminous, bituminous, lignite, and anthracite), bituminous coal has the widest range of carbon content.That’s why IQAir chooses bituminous coal-based activated carbon for adsorption.


Many activated carbon filters contain zeolite activated carbon filters: many contain zeolite, a “filler” that’s much less expensive than conventional activated carbon. But being cheap comes at a cost: there is no evidence to show that zeolite can remove any gaseous compound better than specialty carbons, and the highest efficiency carbon filters are free of this mineral.dxdcarbon.com


Also, here’s a pro tip: effective pre-filtration helps keep carbon pores from getting clogged by excess particles. Without a pre-filter, a gas-phase filter’s life is significantly reduced.

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