Your message gets lost to the void in case you’re not able to sit all day

Yeah absolutely. Like theĀ RuneScape gold individual who posted the screenshot of 1,600 or something celebrities they purchased. Thats ~32m xp they have super cheap because he happened to follow the ideal accounts on Twitter. Is that fair? I mostly just jump on reddit when I am killing time, I can’t recall the last time I had been on here while sitting at my PC. Usually I do not even read this sub because I am a fairly casual RuneScape player and only use reddit for memes or trendy things.

Discord’s worse than Twitter because you have to really join the server to have the ability to see any of the articles or conversation going on in there instead of Twitter where it is all publically accessible. You also have to keep up with all the conversation going on in each station so as to really get any info from some of it instead of Twitter where all of the info is in a single tweet or directly in that thread instead of hundreds or thousands of messages previously. Both are not great, but I’ll take news just on Twitter any day over news just on Discord, even though they really must step up on using the official site and in-game messaging.

I understand they do (I am in it, but have everything muted except the information channel), but that’s not completely true, because these messages have been taken from context, which means you’ve got to go back to the channel and read through all the discussion surrounding that message in order to comprehend what it is actually talking about a lot of the time. That channel also receives a lot of junk you need to read beyond for to some meaningful messages – anytime among the jmods is performing back and forth dialogue it completely spams up that channel with a ton of useless messages.

Sure Discord is easier to have more talks in, I enjoy it for some smaller matches, but for big games such as RS that also means it sort of cubes out anyone who only wants to receive their view on a subject across without spending hours sitting there wading through the rest of the conversation going on – as a platform for discussion, it’s heavily biased toward those who will sit there all day reading through everything when you have this big of a RuneScape playerbase. Your message gets lost to the void in case you’re not able to sit all day.

I think a good deal of businesses today are seeking to save money by shifting their announcements, PR, and neighborhood things to Twitter run by one or two people rather than maintaining forums, or client service hotlines. YouTube is famed for having no client support, in which your only alternative when confronted with a predicament is to converse at the CEO and pray that enough bigger YouTubers retweet it that the provider hears about it. I believe we’ll see theĀ buy RuneScape Mobile gold exact same sort of thing occur.

Asked on March 23, 2020 in Jarios.
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